Saturday 30 August 2014

Starting young Part 1

This is a serious of young kids who plan their armed robberies well and pull them off very successfully.  One could learn a lot from them.

The target was a bottle (liquor) store.

The robbers were a gang of 4 young black boys. I think their ages ranged from 11 to 12 or 13.
What I think makes this hold-up so awesome is that these black kids came from a poor black squatter camp not to mention their school education would be of a low quality. Yet despite this these kids were able to pull of some really successful hold-ups because they spent so much time planning them which is something most criminals (especial the young ones) don’t do.

Also holding up liquor stores was not their thing, they specialised in hijacking cars and cyclists.
This was the first store they held up. Why they did it I am not sure. Maybe they felt like a change or maybe they wanted to get some free alcohol. But despite it been their first they were very successful.
The chose a liquor store in a good position. Just opposite the road from the store was a field in which many kids would play. Because these kids were so young they could also pretend to be playing in the, for example they would bring a soccer ball and people would think they were playing soccer etc. When in actual fact they were observing the store. They would also take photos with their cell phones which would enable them to zoom in to get a closer look. Sometimes they would just casually walk past the entrance to the store to get a quick look in.

They would come at night when the store was closed and go and check out the back. Sometimes during the day they would walk to the back. From that they discovered that the back door would often get left unlooked at a certain time each day as the staff would bring boxes and stuff to trough away.
Just by studying the store they learnt it was owned by a man and his two sons, all of whom worked in the store.

They learnt that Saturdays was very busy with customers, too busy to have a successful hold-up. Mondays it was too quite. There would not be enough cash. Saturdays takings would have already have been banked. Friday would be the perfect day. There would be a lot of cash in the till and also the store was in a business district with quite a few offices around. Often business men would come in on Friday to buy beer etc. to drink with their friends while watching a game or something on Saturday. Robbing these customers would be a bonus.

One thing they did have trouble with was finding out about the layout inside the shop. The windows where painted over with alcohol adverts and they were too young to be allowed into the shop. The only way to see in was through the open front door.

They had to do a bit of research here, but it paid off as they were able to find out about the layout. It was a fairly sizable liquor store. It had a back room which was used as an office. in the back room was a store room.

They probably watched this store for about 2 to 3 weeks. That is a lot of planning for one job, but that is why they are so successful. They have patience, even at their young age.

When the Friday (day of the hold-up) arrived. The kids arrived at the field each caring a sports bag which carried a gun and a child’s super hero’s mask for example a Spiderman mask.

When they decided to hit the store there were 7 white men in the store. The owner, his two sons and 4 customers.
Two of the kids went to the back of the store, put on their masks where no one could see them, took out their guns and entered through the back door.
The two youngest black boys (both aged 11) put on their mask of Spiderman and I think Batman creating the impression that they were just playing thus not to arouse any suspicion. They walked into the store from the front and immediately closed the door and flipped the open sign to closed. At the same time the two black kids who came in from the back announced the hold-up. Each kid knew exactly what his role was. One kid went strait for the owner and ordered him to lock the front door. 
While this was happing the other three kids herded the 6 white men into the back room where no one walking past could see what was happing.
The first kid then forced the owner to join the rest of the men in the back room.

To make the men feel vulnerable and to reduce the chance of the men trying to fight back the kids ordered the men to strip naked then get on their knees with their hands on their heads. Once the men were naked two boys stood over the men with guns at the ready, while the other two took the men’s wallets out of their pants. As a boy took the wallet he ordered the respective man to reveal his bank pin number. The kids wrote the pin numbers down on a piece of paper and then stuck the paper in the respective wallet.
Once this was done one of the kids opened the store room door. The door had a dead bolt which could be padlocked. Unfortunately the store room was not very big, but fortunately it was just big enough to get 7 adult men into.
Once the store room door was open the kids ordered the men into the store room. When all the men where in the storeroom the boy who had opened it then slammed the door shut. bolted it and engaged the padlock.
With all the adult men securely locked in the store room the young kids could now relax and carry out their job with a lot more fun.
Two of them took the men’s wallets, went out the back door without masks to a near by bank of ATMs from which they started to draw money from the men’s accounts.

The other two went into the store, emptied the cash register, put the cash into their bags and also helped themselves to a great deal of liquor. They did not drink it while on the job. They put the bottles into their bags. They would drink some of it later and sell the rest.

They also went through the men’s clothes looking for car keys. Once they had the keys they put the clothes into their bag. Later they would retrieve cell phones and any other valuables from the clothes. Also some of the men’s shoes and stuff were quite expensive. These could be sold.
Once the kids had collected everything and the other two returned from the ATMs with all the men’s cash. The boys could start making a carful exit so as not to be noticed. One left by the back door. Because they had been watching the store they new where the men had parked their cars. They had already decided who would take which cars.
The kid went to the car that was assigned to him. With all the car keys he was able to select the right set of keys and open the car and put his loot in. He was also able to figure out which keys went with the other cars.
He then went back into the store via the back and handed the other sets of car keys to the other kids. He then started to take the rest of the bags and went out to load the car. To someone walking past he just looked like some kid putting stuff into a car. Nothing suspicious.

When he had finished loading the loot into the car which took about one minuet he was able to slip into the car and then drive off.
As for the other kids, they left the store individually so as not to cause any suspicion. Each went to one of the men’s cars that had been assigned to him, got in trough the passenger door, moved over and then drove off.
When the last kid left the store, he closed the back door and with the keys he had taken from the owner and locked it.
By the time the men were eventually rescued the kids were long gone. They had already disposed of the cars (remember they hijack cars on a regular basis so they new how to dispose of them quickly)
In fact the kids were most likely home counting out the money and celebrating their victory with some of the alcohol they had stolen.
I have tried to be as specific as possible because when planning a hold-up like this you need to plan every little detail. excuse these kids planed this one hold-up so well they made a small fortune. Not only did they get the cash from the till and the alcohol. They were also able to go to the ATM with the wallets of 7 men and draw plenty of cash from them. And they were able to get 4 cars. All of this was achieved from one hold-up and carried out in a short period.
Clearly for 4 young black kids aged 11 to 12 or 13 this is really awesome. Many could learn from them.
Their car hijacking and bike jacking are equally successful.

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