Monday 3 March 2014

How to hijack a car

When hijacking a car you want to do this in a place where there will be no witnesses.  Typically most hijackings happen in public areas where there are many people who witness what you have done and are ale to both contact the cops and give them a description.

The ideal situation is to do it where there are no witnesses.  Also you need to ensure that your victim is unable to contact the cops until you are long gone.

Select a parking lot where there are many cars to choose from but not many people around.  Perhaps a golf club.  The advantage here is that when the guy gets back to his car he has most likely just played a round of golf or had a few drinks with his buddies and is not expecting to be targeted.

Find the car that you want and then wait for the owner.  You need to make sure that you are not looking suspicious.  if possible hide behind bushes or alternatively pretend to be a gardener. 

When the owner returns to his car he will most likely have his golf bag with him which he will want to put in his trunk  Wait for him to open the trunk.  View the parking area to make sure that there are no witnesses.  If there are none walk up to the guy, stick the gun in his face and then order him into the trunk.  It is important to lock him in the trunk as quick as possible so no one will know what you are doing.  You can take the gulf bags from him and leave them in the back seat of his car.  You can help yourself to them later if you are interested. 

Of course it could happen that the car owner comes out with some of his friends.  If this happens you do not want them as witness.  Hold them all up with the gun and order them all into the car trunk as quick as possible.

Once your victim is locked in his car trunk, get into the car and casually drive out of the parking lot.  You should drive out of town.  Not too far but far enough from civilisation where you can leave your victim.

You should find a place off the road.  Once there, stop the car and let your victim out of the trunk.  Order him to strip naked.  The advantage of this is that he will feel more vulnerable which will make it less likely he will try and attack you or go for help.  Also you will be able to go through his clothes later to look for his wallet, cell phone and other valuable when you are in a safe location.

Using zip locks which you should have brought with you bind his wrists and ankles.  If necessary use duck tape to gag him.  The ideal would be to tie him to a tree so he cant get away.

Once your victim is secured, get into his car and drive away.  By the time he is able to raise the alarm you would be long gone. In addition to his car you would also have his wallet, cell phone, shoes (some guys shoes are very expensive) and golf clubs which you could sell for some extra cash. 

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